Law, made easy - we're on your side.
Austin-Stone Lawyers ™ provides legal services to individuals and small to medium sized businesses. We leverage legal technology, a simplified service delivery model and a refreshing approach to customer service which our clients love.
Because we don't think that you should have to jump through hoops to obtain personalised and tailored legal advice.

Employment law
Criminal law, family violence and victims of crime
Civil litigation
Financial and contractual disputes
Professional misconduct and regulatory complaints
Establishing a new business or not-for-profit
Employment law and investigations
Commercial contracts
Debt recovery and contractual disputes
Responding to a legal claim or letter of demand
Seeking review of government decisions
Privacy and data protection
Training and consultancy
About us

Henry Austin-Stone GAICD, JP
Managing Director, Principal Lawyer
Austin-Stone Lawyers ™
Henry is an experienced litigator and legal advisor across a variety of fields, including criminal law, civil law, public law and employment law. Prior to establishing Austin-Stone Lawyers ™, Henry worked for a number of legal practices across Canberra, Victoria and Tasmania, as well as positions in government including as a police prosecutor and as in-house counsel within various Commonwealth Government agencies.
Henry is a commissioned officer in the Australian Army and has strong experience in advising key stakeholders within the Department of Defence.
Henry is accredited as a mediator under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS), is accredited as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner by the Attorney-General's Department (allowing him to issue certificates under s 60I of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)) and holds an Inquiry Agent licence issued by the Tasmanian Government, which allows him to undertake private investigations.
Henry holds the following qualifications:
- Certificate III in Investigative Services
- Certificate III in Fitness
- Certificate IV in Government Security (Personnel Vetting)
- Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking
- Certificate IV in Fitness
- Certificate IV in Security Risk Management
- Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management
- Diploma of Project Management
- Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Diploma of Security Risk Management
- Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- Advanced Diploma of Business
- Advanced Diploma of Program Management
- Bachelor of Arts (with Distinction)
- Bachelor of Philosophy
- Bachelor of Dementia
- Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
- Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (Family Law)
- Graduate Certificate in Forensic Psychology
- Graduate Certificate in Education
- Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management
- Graduate Certificate in Law of the Sea
- Graduate Certificate in Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Portfolio Management
- Graduate Diploma of Learning (Management)
- Master of Laws (with Distinction) majoring in Law of the Sea
- Master of Laws majoring in Family Dispute Resolution
- Master of Laws majoring in Military Law
- Graduate of the Company Directors Course, Australian Institute of
Company Directors
Henry is currently completing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Deakin University in the area of family violence law and practice in Tasmania.